Saturday, June 05, 2004

Choosing love over fear.

Lou Tice of the Pacific Institute sends out an email newsletter which often has some wonderful thoughts to ponder.

Today's was exceptional. Here are some excerpts:

"If you were offered a choice between feeling and acting out of fear or out
of love, which one would you pick? No question about it, most people don't
even hesitate before they say, "Love!" But this is not a hypothetical
question. It is a choice you and I are faced with every day of our lives.
And all too often, whether consciously or not, we choose fear.

When you avoid success, harm your physical health, or hold back your
attractiveness, you are choosing fear. When you fail to set goals, or give
up your power to a boss, mate, friend or authority figure, fear is
motivating you.

When you deny the truth, feel afraid to say 'no,' ignore your feelings or
focus on negative feedback, you do it out of fear. In fact, all negative
emotions can be traced to some form of fear. And the truth is that you can't
feel both love and fear at the same time. So when you act out of fear, you
are choosing to shut out love."
--Lou Tice

If you want to look at past newsletters or subscribe to this newsletter

here's the link.

Storyboarding can help you act out of love, because you can mentally prepare yourself for how a loving you will behave in your future circumstances by envisioning yourself responding differently to people and circumstances.

We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we do have a choice over how we respond to the negative events and people in our lives.


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