Monday, August 23, 2004

Getting back on board

Over the month of July, I worked on editing my first novel for what seems like the 1,000th time. I found that my motivation to do so was almost obsessive, so instead of storyboarding, I tried to manage my obsessions by slipping in the exercise and quiet time when I could, then knowing that once I got started on the editing, I would keep going until I could no longer sit at the computer any longer. I got it done.

I've found though that being off storyboarding, my attitude is not as positive. Thus, I'm ramping up to get back on as we roll into September.

My subconscious has become used to the status quo and is fighting me. So, I'm recalling how wonderful it was to be storyboarding, how much fun it was to envision my days, how blessed it was to see myself in the light of a Scripture verse I read this morning: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (II Cor. 5:17)

When I storyboard, I affirm this newness, this wonderful sense of life and possibility that God has given me, the empowerment of His grace if I depend wholly on Him, the goodness He has in store for me if I bring my thoughts in line with His, and lift the imagination of my heart to what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report. (Philippians 4:8)

I see myself storyboarding and loving the way it motivates me to do all the beneficial and wholesome things in my life as well as to do my work in a way that is "heartily unto the Lord".


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