Shining your sink
My first day trying to get work done after a relaxing week off over Christmas and New Year's was awful. I had no motivation. I felt like a mule I practically had to beat to get moving. I could not afford to have day two go the same way.
So, I brushed off the old storyboarding techniques and mentally rehearsed how the next day would go--with my being at my desk focused, ready to work, psyched to do a great job by 8:00 a.m., having already done my prayers first thing in the morning, eaten a good breakfast and read the paper.
One key though to having a great day is how the night before goes. I'm so grateful to the Flylady for some simple routines she teaches that make a huge difference in how your day will go. She insists that you shine your sink before you go to bed and that you lay our your clothes for the next day.
Well, late in the evening of day one, I looked at a stack of dirty dishes in the sink and remembered what the Flylady would say. So, I washed them, shined the sink. Then, I thought I should also wash the lettuce for my husband's lunch, too. Used the time to continue my positive preview of coming attractions. Did that. Laid out my clothes for the next day.
Boom! The next day was highly productive. Mentally rehearsing, writing down some goals, works every time.
When I haven't done it, I find it hard to get moving. And I sag when I look at the little tasks I have to do and they start to mount up, adding to even more of a sense of discouragement. More sagging. But when I've storyboarded, even a sort of "half-storyboard" like I did the other day, then somehow I have zest. I enjoy straightening some pillows as a walk by, finding ways to be efficient and knock off little things.
Storyboard Your Life
Storyboard your life to make your dreams come true